
门式起重机Gantry crane, 通用桥式起重机common crane, 架桥机erecting machine, 公铁两用架铺机frame railcumshop machines, 公路铁路提梁机road and rail beam lifting machine, 轮胎式龙门吊tire gantry crane, 轮胎式运梁车wheel transporting Beam, PC运梁车PC Girder car,船体运输车 the hull v。

Overhead crane bridge crane can be divided into ordinary, simple beam bridge crane and metallurgical three special crane Generally common crane lifting trolley, bridge run institutions, the bridge crane metal structure diagram into a group Crab and the hoisting mechanism, trolley travelin。

also called a random testing equipment manual control functions to ensure the safety of operation With the lifting of the transport requirements of the mechanical control continuously improve, more and more advanced means of control At present the domestic bridge crane control system requ。


读法英 kre#618n 美 kren释义n鹤吊车,起重机 vt vi伸长,探头 vi迟疑,踌躇 词语用法1用做名词 Crane is a kind of bird with very long legs and neck鹤是一种脚和脖子都很长的鸟We used a crane to lift the piano into the theater我们使用起重机将。

车轮组 wheel set 主动车轮initiative wheel 被动车轮passive wheel 主钩 main hook 副钩secondry hook 大车cart 小车handcart 钢丝绳cable,定滑轮crown block 动滑轮travelling block 卷筒coiling block drum spool 联轴器coupler coupling 抱闸 bandtype brake internal contracting brake。